The Scottish XC series comprised of seven rounds in 2007, beginning in Laggan and, via Dalbeattie, Fort William, Gleniffer Braes, Contin and Drumlanrig, finishing proceedings in Glentress. The series has been hotly contested all season, with the racing for the title going right to the final round. Taking his second 2nd place overall, Whyte Racing UK's Andy Barlow reports:
The final round of the Scottish XC series moved to Glentress - a place that is renowned for its hard-packed, all weather tracks. This time, however, we were in for quite a surprise.
The course was totally different than anything we've been given before. And it rocked. Long fire road climbs and BMX style descents were replaced with steep natural climbs, rooty and off-camber singletrack, with a long rooty muddy descent that twisted its way down over multiple lines. The lap finished with a trip down the new 'Blue Free Ride' section. The best Glentress track I've ever done. (Thanks Colin)
I felt fast on the course in practice, so I just focused on getting a good start. Well rested from my mountain biking holiday to the Alps recently, I blasted away from the gun; confident that I was on good form. The race settled to a comfortable pace (180bpm) and I got in to a rhythm.
The first two laps were fine - apart from having a lucky escape on the long downhill on the back straight - so I thought I'd turn up the pace and drop the guy I could see in second place behind me on the switchback climb. I was in the lead by just under a minute, so I cooled things down a bit so as not to blow up.
And here the problems started. I thought I'd try a new hydration method at this round, as for the last two months I've been training without energy drink or bars. The thought being I could mimic the same benefits from affordable food - such as fruit juice and water in my bottle, oat cakes and muesli bars in my pockets.
It's all been good - so much so, in fact, that I was starting to wonder why I'd been spending so much on all this 'hocus pocus' all these years. So when it came to making my bottles up for the race I just added a squirt of 'Elite' to stop the cramp (the only thing I've found to work), and thought I'd be fine.
Half way round the fourth lap and “BANG!” I hit the wall harder than I've ever experienced before. The guy in second place caught me and passed me with ease. "Oh oh,” I thought, "this is bad". Sure enough, by the time I was at the top of the climb I knew I was in trouble. I was already starting to sway, and my vision was going. Somehow I managed to get round another lap and only got passed by another two competitors. I took some major chances on the downhill's, luckily I never came off. But by the time I finished I could hardly walk.
I crossed the line and could hardly stand. I freewheeled down to my van and, after crawling in to the back, promptly fell asleep - still in all my kit. I woke up twenty minutes later; freezing.
I think I learned a lesson: energy drinks are worth the extra cash. But despite my lack of common sense, I placed second overall in the series. So another year in the number two board.
Once again I'd like to thank everyone that's supported my racing this season. My Dad for being my 'bottle bitch', James at Fine A.D.C for finally solving the riddle to my cramp with 'Elite', and of course Whyte Bikes (ATB Sales) for giving me the sweetest bike to ride. Thanks guys.
Tony Haresign
Mountain Biking Scotland
"Get Out of the Woods!"
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Scottish SXC - Final Round - Glentress
Posted by Tony Haresign at 10:50 pm